
To Live in South Korea

The South Koreans are at it again.

First glowing cats, now this: a brawl in Parliament.

Actually, "brawl" is kind of an understatement. Here's what I think happened, based on the articles I skimmed: the ruling party introduced a bill for a free trade agreement with the U.S., but the opposition party was opposed (obviously, right?), so the ruling barricaded themselves in the committee room so that the opposition party couldn't get in, so the opposition party started fighting in the hallway and eventually took a sledgehammer to the door, and when they finally knocked the door in, they discovered that a lot of furniture had been piled up as a second line of defense.

This, friends, is why democracy is awesome. Maybe if this happened in the US, people would actually watch CSPAN.

Let's look at some pictures of the event, fresh with blogged commentary! What an original idea!

The scene in the hallway outside the committee room.
How do they know who to fight? They all look the same! I mean, they're all wearing the same thing. Also, if I were in this fight, I would be really upset at all those photographers and reporters for A) pinning us in so we don't even have room to throw a punch, and B) not helping out AT ALL.

Three South Korean legislators shout at each other.
What do you wanna bet that they're all shouting in perfect unison? If you're betting that they are, then you just lost however much money you bet on that. What do you wanna bet that they're not shouting at all, they're just waiting for someone to spoon-feed them a meatball? If that's the case, guy needs to open wider.

South Korean legislator hammers door off hinges.
I don't need to comment on these pictures at all. This is completely absurd in its own right. This is a legislative situation that required the use of a sledgehammer. I'm lost for words. And yet it gets even more bizarre.

Yes, they're using a fire hose.
OK, let's not even talk about the fire hose. We can all tell that that's pretty stupid. But look at the bottom of the furniture-barrier pile. Is it just me, or is that a bed? That opens a whole new dimension of what-the-hell-is-going-on-here.

This, to me, is the pinnacle of the whole thing. The ruling party takes this standoff to a new level by spraying the opposition with a fire extinguisher. There is no hope for the opposition in this one. They're just effed. They can't even burn the building down cuz they know the guys inside can extinguish the fire.

And apparently this happens pretty regularly.

1 comment:

imjlrw said...

How did no one ever comment on this. This is one of the best things I have ever seen.