
The Revenge of Winter 2: The Revenge

As you may or may not know, I hate winter. This year, though, it's gotten much worse. While in the past winter has only gone after me, this year it decided to go after the things I love.

This morning it took out my cattle herd.

Those may look like rocks, but they are cows.
Yes, that is a picture of my cows. You can barely even tell, after what winter did to them. Led them out into a valley and then dumped fourteen tons of snow on them. The ones that didn't freeze to death died from not being able to look at anything (a common cause of death among cows). I loved those cows so much.

First my ant farm and now this. Why are people and seasons so intent on destroying my attempts at farming? Pretty soon I'll have nothing left to farm but tofu and half-eaten beans. And if any of you even thinks of touching my tofu farm, I'ma break your arm right out of its universe.

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