
First Coffee in Two Years

Almost two years ago, I quit coffee forever. I wasn't sure I'd be able to do it, and all my closest friends had their doubts, and today I finally proved them right. After almost two full years of not drinking coffee and sticking to tea, I caved.

And it's been a total disaster. I seriously feel like my limbs are all going to break free of my body and fly away at any second, and there's nothing I can do to stop it. It's more like I'm on speed or cocaine.

The problem with having all this nervous energy is not having anywhere to channel it. If you've read much of this blog, you know that my job requires almost no actual work, so it's not like I can just be more productive than usual. Looks like all I have is blogging. And while caffeine gives me energy, it does not give me motivation to blog more.

See you tomorrow if my heart doesn't explode


mrs. r said...

Ben, please don't die.

Ted said...

Rest in peace Ben... You magnificant peice of unbridled humanity!

Ted said...

I am a horrible speller.