
Second Dolphin-Related Post This Month

Let's be honest with ourselves. Nobody knows the difference between dolphins and porpoises. The sooner we can own up to that, the better.

I'm pretty sure this is a porpoise.
Speaking of porpoises, I'm rediscovering my love for purpose/porpoise wordplay. Please enjoy the following examples of it!

NASA DIRECTOR: (Immediately following a spaceship explosion) I sure hope that was an accident.
SOME GUY: Actually, I did it on porpoise.
(Everybody laughs)

QUESTIONING GUY: What does this button do?
ANSWERING GUY: The porpoise of that button is to turn on the awesome alarm.
QUESTIONING GUY: Did you say "porpoise"?
ANSWERING GUY: Umm, no, I said purpose.
QUESTIONING GUY: I could have sworn you said "porpoise."
ANSWERING GUY: OK, yeah, I did say "porpoise."

KID: Hey daddy, look at the dolphin!
DAD: Actually, son, that's a purpose.
KID: A purpose?
DAD: Oh wait, I guess it is a dolphin.

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