

Hey, what happened to all the sheep? They were here just a second ago. Seriously, like 400 sheep, and now they're all gone. That many sheep don't just disappear. Or if they do, there's no precedent for it, so I'm reluctant to believe it.

I mean, I just went to get a hot dog. It's not like I fell asleep while watching The English Patient like last time. The sheep definitely didn't have three hours to plan and execute an escape.

Man, this hot dog is good.

But seriously, did you see where the sheep went? Of course you didn't. You were too busy thinking about the hot dog you were selling me, weren't you? Man, you hot dog salesman are all the same. You don't care about anything but hot dogs. And as soon as someone loses track of 400 sheep, you're all, "I didn't see anything. I was just selling some hot dogs." Typical.

Being a shepherd really sucks, you know? I used to be a software technician, but I got laid off. Now it's just me and the sheep. Or, I guess now it's just me. Just me and this delicious hot dog.

When I got this job, the boss explicitly told me never to take my eyes off the sheep. But what am I supposed to do? Not get a hot dog? I guess he has a point, though. I did lose track of all the sheep.

I don't care if I get fired for losing all those sheep. This hot dog is so worth it.

Can I get mine without mustard?
I am a little curious, though. What ever happened to all those sheep? Maybe we'll never know.

Oh, there they are.


Unknown said...

I had two hot dogs today. In fact, they were chili dogs with cheese and jalapenos. And I lost all the sheep while eating them, too. So I can say with certainty, "I hear ya, man."

Jon D said...

Is this a metaphor about leading a Small Group?

Ted said...

I bet when you recount your sheep there are going to be like 38 extra. That is because while you were eating your delicious hot dog they were mating. They do that... a lot.

On a completely unrelated note, why is the word verification "Palin" for this blog. Do you have Republican word verification turned on?

Dave said...

Maybe its a Monty Python word verification?

I'm afraid it's going to have to be scientific experiments for the lot of you.