
An Unstoppable Force

Follow me, if you will, as I compare the life of this blog to that of a fearsome bear. Pay attention, dear reader, and you shall see how truly apt and terrifying this analogy is. Hopefully your soul will not shudder to visit this blog again in the future, but there is a distinct possibility that it will.

You see, my a comeback for this blog was much like a bear emerging from hibernation. Bears, like this blog, become frustrated with the world around them on a seasonal basis and determine to while their angst away in a depressive sleep for months. Though the blog's angst wore off after just a few months, it, like a bear, preferred the comforts of sleep and chose not to wake up for over a year.

But then the horrors of post-hibernation set in. A bear has the rude awakening of spring, with all the thorny plants, tiny bugs and uncomfortable sweating that go along with it. Similarly, my blog was nearly crushed by an unexpectedly debilitating mouth surgery that kept me from coming to work for a couple days. How can a bear be awesome when it is so threatened? And how can I blog when I'm not at work?

Now, at last, the bear and I can settle into a simple routine. Fish eating. Yes, another thing bears and blogs have in common--a love for the taste of fresh fish. It is part of the perfect symmetry of the universe.

1 comment:

Jeshurun said...

"Sir, the unstoppable force is coming toward us."
"What is it planning?"
"To eat fish."
"Oh my God! Wait...did you say 'eat fish'?"
"Oh. Well, that's kind of anti-climactic. Look out, HERE COMES THE FISH...eater."
"Well, it also may blog regularly about robots and zombies and the like."
"I see. Are these robots and zombies going to be doing terrifying things?"
"Not really. They'll be doing quite ordinary things like ordering take out. That's why it's funny."
"So this unstoppable force's mission is to be funny?"
"And eat fish."
"So it's planning on subverting the populace through entertainment."
"No, not really."
"Alright then. I'm going home and leaving you in charge. I've got some DVR'd episodes of All My Circuits to watch."