
In Lieu of Real Creativity, I Blog about Golf

In the midst of my barely-endurable boredom at work today, I noticed a headline about Tiger Woods. I'm not going to out my sources, but rest assured that this a real quote. It said something like, "Finally Tiger Woods has something to celebrate--his wife is pregnant with his second child."

So yeah, finally something turns out good for Tiger Woods. I wouldn't be that excited about being the world's richest athlete, having tons of golf championships (cuz golf is stupid), or shooting a Gatorade commercial on the moon either. I am in complete agreement that, until now, life has been pretty lame for Mr. Woods.

But what that first child? Some day he or she is going to read that article and be like, "Hey Dad, I know that you were never that big on owning four island nations or having perhaps the most precise hand-eye coordination of any non-video gamer on the planet, but the first thing that was worth celebrating in your life was the kid who came after me? Did I used to have Down Syndrome?"

Maybe that first child thing didn't work out too well in the long run. I can understand that. I'm sure Stalin's parents eventually soured on that whole thing. But even then, they must have celebrated his birth. Tiger couldn't have given up on child #1 before it'd even drawn a breath in this world. I can, however, imagine him saying, "Big deal, baby. I'm waiting on #2," which I believe were his exact words following his first championship.


Anonymous said...
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Ted said...

Yeah, but I think we all agree that children are way more cool than gold.

Ted said...

gold? oh, I meant to say golf...

Anonymous said...

i dont like golf i dont even get the game!!??