
I Wish I Were Pac-Man

Life would be so much easier if I were Pac-Man.

If I were Pac-Man, I would live here.
Think about it. All I'd have to do is eat pellets, fruit, and pretzels all day. No more office, no more "casual Fridays." Just beeping along, chomping on whatever I come across.

Yeah, there are the ghosts, but every life has to face some adversity. I probably wouldn't want to be Pac-Man if there wasn't at least a little bit of a struggle. And I can deal with ghosts. Desk jockeying, however, is getting to be too much for me.

The only thing I'd miss is the third dimension. I've really come to cherish that third dimension. The other two are OK, don't get me wrong, but they're not much without the third. But I'm pretty sure Pac-Man isn't as cool in three dimensions. I'll just have to deal with it.

Miss Pac-Man seems all right too.

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