
Hot Air Balloon Ride

Who wants to go for a hot air balloon ride?

The up part is easy.
I certainly do, and now I can whenever I want, thanks to my new hot air balloon pilot's license! I decided to take today off from work and go through an intense course in hot air balloon pilot training. Whether or not it was worth it, only time will tell.

I can't wait to spend the rest of this fall days floating above the colored trees, eating a sandiwch, reminiscing about life on the ground. I'll make friends with the hawks and the eagles, and they'll tell me tales of old kings and talking volcanoes. Of course I'll never come down because it's way too hard to land a hot air balloon.

One day, when I'm really old and my fame for being that old guy in the hot air balloon has spread around the country, I'll have a really long beard that will hang outside of the hot air balloon, and it will get caught in the power lines and my hot air balloon will crash and burn. There will be a blackout in the whole city and everybody will miss the series finale of Lost. Just like the prophets foretold. If only I had listened to them and not skipped work today and gotten my hot air balloon pilot's license.

It couldn't be helped.

1 comment:

Brigitte said...

oh man, i would LOVE to go for a ride in a hot air balloon...