
Kermit the Guru

Kermit is better than almost everyone I know.
I've learned a lot of things over the years. The alphabet, multiplication, how to play video games, to name a few. But the most important things I've learned I learned from Kermit the Frog.

Kermit recently reminded me of his great wisdom when he told me that it's not easy being green. I can relate somewhat, since I have like four or five green shirts, but I think the depth of his pain is greater than mine. Also, I don't especially feel any difficulty when I wear my green shirts--two of them are more comfortable than the rest of my shirts, actually. So maybe I don't relate to the song at all.

Still, I respect where Kermit's coming from. He's had a difficult life being green, and I do think I can learn something from that. Life isn't easy, after all, whether we're green or not, though apparently it's a little harder if you are green.

Except that I just listened to the end of the song, and it turns out that Kermit ends up wanting to be green. What a cop-out. I always cried through the first half of the song and had to turn it off because Kermit's suffering made me so sad. I feel so emotionally manipulated. Screw you, Kermit.

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