

This is definitely the coolest thing I've ever seen.

Why don't people do stuff like this more often?
Yep. That's a rocket car driving into a wall of TVs.

Apparently, a group of people decided to get together about 45 TVs and a rocket car, stack up the TVs, and drive the car into it. Whoever those people are, they are brilliant, and I would like to meet them and get their autographs.

There is something about creative destruction that makes it one of the most admirable of human pursuits. Right up there with being an astronaut and trying to stay up for 72 hours straight.

This is like traveling into another dimension. Like skydiving onto one giant mirror. Or digging a really big hole.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but it's the TVs that make it. If it was a wall of toasters? Who cares.