
Moving On

I've hit a few troubles lately. What with my car crash on Tuesday, no leftovers from the pizza I ordered last night, basketball players moving to Europe, and puppies dying everywhere, it's all becoming a bit too much. I spent the last couple days trying to figure out how I was going to cope, and I think I've finally settled on a solution.

I'm going to buy my own island and live there for the rest of my life.

I have no idea which island I'm going to buy yet. Turns out there are some islands that are just mountains, which weirds me out. Then there are some islands that are just sand, but I'm now convinced that I can't live without coconuts. And most of the islands with coconuts are not for sale (thanks to Mark Cuban, I'm sure--is there anything he hasn't bought yet?).

If I can't find a good enough island, I might go the way of Dubai and build my own. Nothing like a custom-made personal island, huh? Maybe I'll get it shaped like the Thundercats logo. That'd be sweet. Of course, the Thundercats logo might date itself fairly quickly, and people would probably think of me more as a billionaire nerd with lots of cats instead of an exciting young billionaire ninja magician.

But it doesn't really matter what people think. Thundercats Island, here I come!


Anonymous said...

I call dibs on the mountain islands!

Anonymous said...

I predict a Villainy Pt. 3 in the near future.