
The Eau C.

This weekend, following the GRE, I went to Eau Claire to visit my brother. The highlights include...

The most hilarious dinner at Fazoli's. We somehow got on the subject of how porn is made, and Dan, pretending to be a big-shot movie producer criticizing a porn script, said, "This script is crap. The characters--they're always having sex! The plot is practically nonexistent!" I thought he began it by saying "Angie, this script..." which made it even funnier. Cuz who's Angie?

After dinner we took a pack of crayons from the kids section and decided to try and light them cigarettes. We were laughing so hard, we couldn't even hold the crayon up to our faces. Then dan changed the "Reserved Parking" sign to "Reserved Rarking" and then "Reserved Barking" by drawing on it with his crayon.

We totally schooled Fazoli's.


christinesfakeblog said...

I love the Robisons.

Unknown said...

That's one of the best Fazoli's disses I've ever heard. In fact, it's the only one I've ever heard.

Also, Brigitte also just took the GRE.