

The name "Unspar" has somehow garnered a reputation of its own. I'm a celebrity...of sorts.

Last night I met three people who I've never heard of before. Mark introduced me as his friend Ben, and they were all like "Unspar Ben?" How does this happen? Does my fame precede me? Are there some teeming millions of Unspar devotees out there that could never refer to me by my real name? The answer is apparently and undeniably yes. I don't know if these people just read the things I write or if Mark and Polley have just told them stories about me (what stories, I can't imagine). Either way, I'm both proud and paranoid.

At the end of the night, one of these new friends said, "Unspar, always a pleasure." Indeed? Indeed.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

My girlfriend, who you've only met on a cursory basis at the Brewers game, refers to you as "Unspar", despite the fact she has no idea what the hell livejournal is.