
And Another Thing

Take your child to work day is coming up later this month. In general, I'm totally indifferent to it, as long as no one expects me to say anything to anyone less than half my age (you're OK by me, 13-year-olds). And having kids around makes it feel OK to nap at my desk.

But this year my company is planning some activities for the kids. I work for an insurance company, so you can pretty much guarantee that these activities will be boring and/or pointless. These activities include a tour of the building, practice job applications and interviews, make your own powerpoint presentation, and hip hop dance lessons.

I'm almost getting tired of doing commentary on absurd things like this. An insurance company teaching hip hop dance lessons. Oh, the white people!

The dancing is so bad, it made the picture blurry.
Not to mention these are going to be kids--they just learned to walk four or five years ago. And may I reiterate that we're an insurance company and have no business teaching any kind of dancing, let alone the least insurance-company-y kind of dancing there is.

Worst of all, apparently the kids don't even get to use this whole go-to-work day to get a day off of school anymore. What a cop-out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ben,

Love reading your blog. You should be getting paid for providing such entertainment. I was wondering if you have any good stories from when I brought you to my work? They sure didn't teach you hip hop!