
Twins Confusion

Went to my first baseball game of the season last night, which happened to be the third baseball game of the season overall for this particular team. They did not win the match, but in my opinion, the other team didn't win either. The real winners were the people who were lucky enough to buy several hot dogs for a dollar a piece before they were sold out.

Interesting things I learned at this baseball game include:
-The Minnesota Twins are actually fraternal, not identical, as the media would have us believe. Conspiracy theories as to the reasoning behind this cover-up are in development.
-When people lift their hands above their heads and then lower them again in a fluid motion, this is called "the wave." However, it is considered unsuccessful if one does it all alone.
-Points in baseball are called "runs," not points. Also, periods are called "innings." For some reason, when a sportsman fails to strike the ball, it's still called a strike. None of the rest of the terminology made any sense either.

I don't think anything else that happened at the game qualifies as learning. Most of it qualifies as booing.

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