
The Manitoban Invasion, Part 2

Turns out my alarmism was right after all. Unfortunately for us, the invasion is already complete. Now they're working on Phase Two: Deportation.

Let's recap for a second. Over a year ago, I noticed that the number of Manitobans in Minnesota was on the rise. I suggested that this was merely precipitating an all-out invasion of our state, which they would then use as a staging ground for an attack on the entire United States. As usual, no one took me seriously.

Now we're even more greater danger than I would have expected. Here's a billboard I saw while I was driving the other day:

It's the polar bear capital of the world.  Did you know?
This isn't the same billboard exactly. It was actually a lot more dramatic than this, and it was more clearly about tourism, and it really emphasized how we should all go to Manitoba. This picture isn't nearly as harrowing as the real billboard. I couldn't find a picture of the actual one I saw, and believe me, if you saw it, you'd be scared to death too.

This can only mean one thing, ladies and gentlemen. The Manitoban government is going to deport all of Minnesota to Manitoba by drawing us away with its excellent fishing and large polar bear population. If we don't put a stop to this Manitoban propoganda soon, we'll all be in death camps before the end of the year. Our only hope is that the whole Canadian government isn't backing this up or we're in a much more dire situation that I would have thought.

Hey American President, maybe it would have paid off to listen to my crackpot theory in the first place. I guess starving to death and moving giant rocks all day will teach you some humility.

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