
Handicapped Accessible

After all these years, we're still treating our disable people as second-class citizens. You know those handicapped ramps? They're all uphill! It's so cruel to make the handicapable strain their arms like that. It's even worse at my building: not only do they have to go up a ramp, but then there's a little hill to go up to get to the elevators. It's inhuman!

To truly be fair, we should have all our buildings slightly underground so that they can roll downhill to get in. I guess that means they'd have to go uphill to get out, though. Well, maybe they can all roll down to the basement and take the elevator up from there, then leave on the first floor. Or maybe we can just have all our buildings be flat and even.

Why do buildings have stairs at their entrances anyway? That doesn't make any sense at all.

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