
Bombs Away

On my drive to work, I drive under an unusually politically active overpass. Today, instead of promoting candidates for the election, they were anti-promoting terrorism. Their message: DON'T BOMB IRAN.

That's all well and good, but I think they're a little misdirected. I'm not the one they should be talking to. I'm not going to bomb Iran.

But even if I was going to bomb Iran, what business is it of theirs? They're not the boss of me. They can't tell me who I can and can't bomb. My relationship with Iran is between me and Iran. I appreciate their concern, sort of, but maybe they should get to know me a little better before they start telling me how to manage my foreign affairs.

Also, shouldn't these people have jobs? Telling people not to bomb Iran isn't free.


Anonymous said...

Plus, what you do in private with your own bombs is your right in a free country; it's not like you're hurting anyone. That might have come out wrong. Too bad my keyboard doesn't have a delete button. Someone should invent that.

Unspar! said...

Whenever I need to delete something, I just type a lot of numbers.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to guess the Binary sequence for the backspace command, but so far, no luck.