
Invasion, Again

My house is under attack. My previous apartments have been under attack as well, only fruit flies and ants were much more managable than this. Even mice I could take care of, but this is a real problem.

We have salamanders.

I know it looks like it's 20 ft long, but it's really only 4 ft long.
Whenever I get an infestation of any kind, I ask myself two questions: how did this happen, and what can we do about it? My answers for this round are, I don't know, and I have no idea.

I know what I'm not going to do about it, though, and that's act like it's not that big of a deal. Maybe I can tolerate ants and mice and fruit flies, but they don't crawl into the shower and try to kill you, and they don't swell to ten times their normal size when they get angry. And most of the time you can't see them so you can act like they're not there, but there are usually at least three salamanders visible in my house wherever I go.

There are a couple good things about being infested with salamanders. For instance, I think it's saving us money on heating for some reason. Either science is even more or a nerd than I give him credit for, or the salamanders are clogging our ventilation. I guess it could be both.


Anonymous said...

Now might not be the best time to tell you this...but your roommates are actually salamanders.

Unknown said...

Funny that you mention salamander infestations...our home has been overtaken by puppies. It either has to do something with spontaneous generation, or the fact that we bought two puppies. I'm voting the former is the most likely.