
Root Beer: Deja Vu

I feel like I've blogged about root beer before.

Does this mug look familiar?
This is that weird I've-blogged-so-many-times-that-I'm-no-longer-aware-of-what-I'm-blogging-about territory. Perhaps you can relate. I assume you can't, and that's OK, because this is about the weird feeling I'm having right now.

Root beer is totally awesome, and every time I touch the stuff my appreciation for it grows. Which is precisely why I may have blogged about it already--because there was some point in the past in which I was inspired by how much my appreciation for root beer has grown. And we are at a similar point again.

Have you ever heard of time-folding theory? Understandable if you haven't. It doesn't even have a wikipedia entry (or it might, but I didn't look very hard). But I didn't make it up. I've seen a bunch of people demonstrate it. They fold a piece of paper in half, then poke a hole through it, then unfold it and refold it until you get that they're simultaneously two separate holes and the same hole. It's pretty neat. But the theory is that time sometimes works the same way...somehow. Like Donnie Darko, possibly. Therefore, I think my life is a series of non-root-beer-related events that connect to a single repeated root-beer-related moment.

Sorry if that's too much science. Or too little science. Actually, I'm not sorry at all. I really enjoyed writing this, even if I maybe had written something about root beer before. Because I love root beer.

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