
Somebody Reads the Legends Blog

(Part Three of three posts in quick succession)

My latest Legends post on "If the World Was a Blog" received an enigmatic comment. The comment itself wasn't enigmatic, actually, but the commenter was (though maybe he actually wasn't). He was a gentleman who goes by the handle "Paulish," which is a fairly enjoyable pun. There are a few things I'd like to say to Paulish right now.

1. I like how your name is a pun that I didn't get for a while.
2. I own four scarves. It is definitely not a chick thing.
3. For a second I thought your profile said something about unicorns, not unicycling, and I was going to say something about that being more of chick thing than scarves. Thankfully I noticed this mistake before I made a horribly uninspired criticism.
4. Your blog is well-structured for easy consumption. Short posts equals smart. I can't do that anymore; something to do with the insanity.
5. You're Canadian, huh? Cool. I would have said, "You're Canadian, eh?" but that's pretty played.
6. I'm afraid your top five favorite movies are a little sad. I can't say which I'm most surprised about: is it that King Kong made #1, or is it that Constantine cracked the list? I haven't seen either, but I suggest you see the original King Kong, and I commend you for respecting Mr. Reeves' work. Also, Raising Arizona rulz.
7. The Island is even more similar to a 70s film called Parts: The Clonus Horror. It was done on Mystery Science Theater 3000. Check it out, yo.
8. You have a lot of blogs. Wouldn't it be more efficient to put some of them together? But it's not really a big deal, I guess.

Thank you, Paulish, for your time.

1 comment:

Unspar! said...

I just realized that Paulish totally missed the point of my post in the Legends blog. Gah. Not to mention he's wrong. I'm more disturbed than intrigued by the fact that anyone I pass on the street might be a blogger.