
Identity Crisis My Ass

I've been reading through old entries of random friends, and I discovered that my entries, while entertaining (maybe), are patently dishonest. I've become that sarcastic guy that can't tell the difference between sarcasm and sincerity anymore. For instance, that last sentence was sarcastic. That's going to be a difficult knot to untangle for the rest of this entry.

So this got me thinking: am I capable of honesty and sincerity with anyone but myself? The answer is not no forever, but it is no for now.

The normal sarcastic, irreverent me would conclude that honesty is for suckers, or sincerity is boring, or something like that. But there's something non-sucker-ish about honesty and something interesting about sincerity. It's kind of disconcerting, like my world is falling apart.

The strangely sincere and respectful me would announce that this marks a drastic change in personality, but the normal sarcastic and irreverent me knows better. As far as he's concerned, I'll be dead and rolling in my multiple and diverse graves before anybody tries to say I was one who could be taken seriously.

I will say this: It's funny how this sounds almost nothing like anything I would say to anyone in person. Or even via email. Or if I was conscious of anyone reading this ever.


Anonymous said...

you know damn well you have a large following, now quit the sissy crap, back to Point Break Live, now that's interesting!

true though

Unspar! said...

A large following, eh? Like more than eight people?

I know that people read this, but I know that abstractly. If I was watching someone read this, it'd be a different story. I probably wouldn't have said that if I'd ever be in the same room as someone who was reading it.

But good point, I quit.

Jes GIlman said...

this blog confused me