
Peace Corps Conundrum

The Peace Corps, while still incredibly alluring, is not the immediate solution to my problem. If I apply now, it will still take six to twelve months before I can leave. That will be perfect for getting out on of my lease, but it is far from perfect for getting me out of this soul-crushing corporate hell-hole.

I am still devoted to this Peace Corps thing (at least for the next 67 hours), but I need something else for the time being. Or maybe I don't, and these next six to twelve months will teach me patience, humility, and all those other things it's important to learn. Or the wait will kill me. Let's check the percentages on this one.

Chance these months will teach me patience, humility, etc.: 35%
Chance these months will drive me to suicide or wild, irrational behavior resulting in death: 59%
Chance I will go completely insane and be institutionalized for the rest of my life: 1%
Chance I will find a living as a silent loner aboard a Japanese whaling ship: 5%

And a clarification: Sorry to any readers who might take an arbitrary 59% chance of suicide seriously. I know it's an inappropriate issue to joke about. If you prefer, you may take it metaphorically. I tried it with splendid results. To answer any concerns, though: no, I am not depressed.

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