
Filling in the Gaps

I'm a different person than I was seven and a half months ago, and because it's important that you understand the new me, here's a series of comparisons that ought to bring you up to speed.

THEN: March-September 2007 Lived in a one-bedroom apartment somewhere in south Minneapolis by myself.
NOW: October 17th, 2007 Live in a four-bedroom duplex with three other guys and possibly some stranger who snuck in while I was sleeping.

THEN: April 2007 Was in a car accident where a truck hit my driver's door, so I can't roll the window up all the way, the rear-view mirror is dangling, and the door handle fell off so I can't get in on that side.
NOW: October 17th, 2007 Can't get out through the driver's side anymore either, so I have to hop across from the passenger's side.

THEN: March 2007 Went on a mission trip to Peru.
NOW: October 17th, 2007 No longer in Peru.

THEN: June 18th, 2007 Owned no pets and had no plans to ever own pets.
NOW: October 17th, 2007 Briefly toyed with the idea of owning a gerbil. I like their tails.

THEN: until May 29th, 2007 Youngest sister was 9 years old.
NOW: October 17th, 2007 Youngest sister is 10 years old.

THEN: May 2007 The nations of the world were still ruled by men, or, for the politically correct, people.
NOW: October 17th, 2007 Robots.

That about does it. See what I was talking about with the new life?

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