
Is Luke a Pterodactyl?

My friend Luke Perry (don't know his real last name [or wait, yes I do--it's Olson]) turned 22 yesterday, and we had quite the little to-do for him. Cake, Mountain Dew, Micah Darling, who could ask for more?

And then I learned that Luke is a pterodactyl. I was surprised at first, but then I was comforted as the details were revealed through song. I think it was called "Luke's a Pterodactyl." A good song, too, with harmonies and everything. But as good as it was, I'm not entirely convinced. Let's examine the evidence.

Evidence against:
1) Luke is not extinct.
2) Luke's head is round, not enormous-pointy-banana-shaped.
3) Luke does not eat babies.
4) As far as I know, Luke is not the prey of the spinosaurus, though it's funny to imagine him being chased around by this guy:
According to real science, dinosaurs never really existed.

Evidence for:
1) Luke has a very authentic-sounding pterodactyl call.
2) Luke, like many pterodactyls, does not wear glasses most of the time.
3) The afore-mentioned song.

Better get working on this one, scientists. I'm too busy. I have some puppies to rescue from an evil puppy dealer with a scar over his left eye. And I'll have to be careful because his lair is surrounded by alligators. It's times like these I'm glad I'm not a stupid scientist. Enjoy the rest of your sorry, puppy-less lives, suckers!

1 comment:

Adam Omelianchuk said...

Yes! You are blogging again! Awesome.