

How did the manequin get its hand in the suit pocket?
I lament that people do not wear suits more often. Suits are cool, as demonstrated above, but following the end of the Cold War, they seem to have earned a reputation for being worn by heartless arms dealers and coke fiends. This reputation is undoubtedly entirely deserved.

The poor people of this nation must redress this issue and make suits cool again. The problem is that suits are not cheap and that we, the poor people, cannot afford them. Rich people keep being uncool, keep making money, keep buying suits, keep wearing their suits while being uncool, and keep kicking us poor people in our low-quality pants. I have no solution to propose to this issue; I'm just commenting on how much it sucks.

I look forward to the day when suits are cheap. For once suits are cheap, regular poor people like us would be able to buy them, and we'd be able to beat the rich people at their own game: polo.

After we school the rich people at polo, we'll take them to the donkeyball court.

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