
Put a Bag on Your Head

About a week ago, a friend and I caught this movie called Baghead, which I won't comment seriously on, but is a movie about a serial killer who wears a bag over his head. And it's good. More importantly, it made me wonder, when is it OK to wear a bag on your head? So I came up with the following list at about 3AM last night.

Situations where it's OK to wear a bag on your head
-At the Baghead premiere
-When you're going to the paper bag parade
-At any official meeting of the Green Party
-If you're planning on traveling back in time
-When you're in Utah

Situations where it's NOT OK to wear a bag on your head
-When you're eating a hot dog (or a hamburger)
-When you're cashing a check at the bank
-While swimming
-When all your friends are dressed like robots and you don't want to feel left out
-If someone you know is lighting paper bags on fire

Situations where I don't really care if you wear a bag on your head or not
-In your math and science classes
-If you don't have any better ideas for a Halloween costume
-If you want to mess with your pets
-To reduce wind resistance while riding your bike
-If you think it will give you superpowers

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