
The Bush Administration Gets Me At Last

I, Ben Layton Robison, am the most recent target of the USA Patriot Act.

It's true.

A letter from my health insurance account company states:
"Section 326 of the USA Patriot Act requires us to implement reasonable procedures to verify the identity of any person seeking to open an account with us. Our research indicates the following:
-We are unable to verify your address.
-We are unable to verify your date of birth.

Now, I knew was sneaky, but I never thought I was sneaky enough to make it impossible or even difficult to verify anything about me. I never imagined I would be sneaky enough that someone would have to get the law involved to straighten me out. Geez.

Well, if they think I'm a terrorist, I could just tell them I'm not a terrorist. But I guess honestly I couldn't do that with too much certainty.

Dear United States Government: I am probably not a terrorist.

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