
The Lunchtime Bandit

Today, not unlike the time my lunch was stolen, part of my lunch was stolen. Emphasis on part. They only took the sandwich.

Let's examine the crime. Perpetrator walks into refrigerator, eyes a limp bag lunch. Perpetrator, realizing that they forgot to bring their lunch today, targets said bag lunch for thievery. However, as perpetrator reaches to steal said bag lunch, perpetrator has some feelings of remorse and decides to only take the sandwich. Perpetrator mildly enjoys sandwich because honestly it wasn't that great of a sandwich.

I understand if you're lunchless and hungry, and I'm grateful that you left me the rest of my lunch to enjoy, but I cannot for the life of me understand why you took only my sandwich. There were some delicious chips in there and a delicious fruit cup. That fruit cup would have been good for. Don't you care about your health?

It's clear now that human civilization is doomed. There's no such thing as civilized society as long as strangers are nabbing sandwiches and not eating the fruit which could so easily have been nabbed as well.

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