
First Facebook, Now This

CIGNA has blocked another of my favorite sites: this one that you are on right now. They blocked my blog. Grounds? It falls into the "Message Boards and Clubs" category. But mine is the only blog that is blocked. At least as far as I can tell.

This has got to be some kind of war crime. I'll be reporting it to the Hague momentarily.

There's so much wrong with this I can hardly even begin to criticize. First they only block one blog. If anyone wants to read any other blog, that's OK, but they're not allowed to read mine. My speech is no longer free. Second, they don't block my means of blogging, which I greatly prefer to my means of reading what I just wrote. So I'm hardly discouraged from wasting time at all. Third, classifying my blog as a message board or club is very, very far from accurate. Comments do not constitute message boards and links do not constitute a club.


I think I'm back to being a communist. But still probably not a terrorist.

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