
Open Letters

This was a concept Will and I came up with during the drive to the FTA retreat. We write really short letters to people and/or entities that should hear what we're thinking. Though I forget the one that began the whole thing, here's a few that've been cooking in my brain.

Dear Jerry Seinfeld,
What's the deal with pre-faded jeans?
Love, Ben and Will

Dear Frito Lay Corporation, Doritos Division,
Your bags' "new look" is all wrong. New look bad, old look less bad. We suggest changing products all together. How about computers?
Love, Ben and Will

Dear United States Postal Service,
Thank you for suing the band The Postal Service for stealing your name. You've done this country a great service and not wasted anyone's time or money.
Love, Ben and Will
P.S.-Please send more two-cent stamps.

Dear Haddaway,
Love is the smile on a child's face. It's also patient, kind, etc. And I will hurt you.
Signed, Baby

That's it for now.

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