
Behind a Truck

Today I am very tired. I feel like my brain disappeared. Or maybe it got heavier. Either way, I can't think and don't want to.

On my drive to work, I got behind a truck. I was too tired to change lanes, so I just stuck it out, despite the fact that the truck could only go 30-40 miles per hour. It was a strange experience, to go that slow and not get frustrated. And then when the truck changed lanes, I felt sad. I didn't want to go faster, but I had to. Kind of like I didn't want to get out of bed, but I had to. Perhaps today I'm behind a metaphorical truck?

I don't care that this entry sucks.


al said...

Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.


Unspar! said...

If you said that to me in person, I would laugh uncontrollably. Since you said it to me on the 'blog, I want to cry.

christinesfakeblog said...

I really like the idea of putting an apostrophe before "blog." It's gramatically correct, no? Good call, Ben.

Buck up buddy!


Anonymous said...

Hey Ben, you're only ahead by 11, and Michael Vick hasn't even played yet! Are you sweating bullets yet? Huh? HUH!?


Anonymous said...

english major :(