
The Return of Funny

I predict October will be the least funny month of my existence. It will be cold, and the cold isn't funny; it might be darker more often, and that's really not funny; and Halloween isn't funny at all. We've got 31 of the blandest days to look forward to, people. Hooray.

There are a few other unfunny months that were in the running, but I don't think they'll hold a candle to October 2006. There was September 2001, the first month of college, when I could laugh with no one, but that was merely the absence of funny, not its severe decline. Then there was January 2005, in which I lost my first fantasy football league. And let's not forget October 1997, the year of my freshman homecoming disaster.

Looks like all these non-funnies happen in the bleak months of the year. So basically we're screwed til next April. Until then,

At the Upside-Down Clown Pride Parade


mrs. r said...

I really must take offense at this! By saying that this October is not going to be funny implies that it will suck, which couldn't be farther from the truth! Not only is it a beautiful month full of crisp breezes and the intoxicating smell of bonfires and dead leaves, it happens to be the month of my birth. And Seth's, too. And lots of other cool people. This means that it can't be all that bland and forgettable. As penance Ben, I suggest that you plan and execute the funniest and least bland birthday party ever held for my husband and myself (our birthdays are a week apart, it works pretty well)

Ready? Go!

christinesfakeblog said...

So change your link, Ben, I've been waiting for you too!


Unspar! said...

Anne, I would, but I'd have a really hard time finding enough monkeys at a cheap rate.

Christine, it takes too much work. I'll just switch to wordpress.

Anonymous said...

I would think that, on the whole, November would be far less funny that October. Can you give me any reasons why this would not be so?

al said...

But seriously, who's excited for Spring??!!


christinesfakeblog said...

Thanksgiving! Hilarious!!

Ben, how's the wp switch going?


Anonymous said...

Freshman homecoming disaster? Ben, this is wonderful blogging material! A story from your past that's almost 10 years old!? That's the most perfect blog post ever.