
Friday Sucks

When I got here this morning, I greeted one of my coworkers with a, "Good morning!" She responded saying, "Happy Friday," and I said, "And it is a happy one, isn't it?"

What fools were we.

Today is easily the worst day of work ever. I have had two of the messiest, most difficult critical incidents (that's what I work with) ever, and on top of that, our company's redesign is hugely flawed, and we're really feeling those flaws in our call organization today. From 9:30-11, I had three very stressful issues freaking me out with force.

Now I'm not an easily stressed person. It takes a lot to shake me up. But this week has me completely fried. Thankfully I only have a three day week next week, but that still might be difficult. Here's what I believe I need to make it through to next weekend:

-Breakfast in bed at least once, preferably twice.
-A couple good foreign films (oddly the most comforting cinema around)
-Tea party.
-Up to, but no more than, three hours in a library or book store.
-A walk around the lakes or anywhere with fresh air and colored leaves.
-Many good naps.
-Lots of classical music.

At least my brain's not on fire, right?


Jes GIlman said...

Yeah man, I know what you mean. Except my brain is fried from drugs. Wait...that sounded bad. I found out this morning that Tylanol and Robitussen don't mix. Now it feels like there's a train wreck in my head.

Out of curiosity, is your other motto No Regrets?

Unspar! said...

I have three mottoes. They are "No Regrets," "I Like Swans," and "I'm Gonna Punch You in the Face, Bob, if You Don't Shut Up Right Now."

mrs. r said...

I like your idea for activities this weekend...too bad I won't have time for any of it! Although after running 10 miles early early on Sunday morn, I do plan on taking a nap...a shower first, then a nap.

Andrew said...

I can certainly supply foreign films this weekend...

christinesfakeblog said...

I cannot wait until my post run nap. 7am? For real?

vommriit (this is my favorite yet!!)

al said...

I am genuinely interested in how you guys handle 'critical incidents.' I'm supposed to formulate a 'Disaster Contingency Plan' for my workplace...you might have some insight? Also, that to-do list looks great!


Anonymous said...

did you actually say that? oh, Ben...