
Life-Changing Event #2

As of twenty minutes ago, I no longer have internet or television reception in my house. I am free, free from the shackles of entertainment and distraction (though I do still have 800 CDs and a large number of movies and TV shows on DVD)!

This was mostly about me saving $60 a month, but I feel like it means more than that. Maybe it means I can do something more with my life than sit on a chair or a couch. I am excited to take advantage of that opportunity.

So now it's like I traveled back in time to the 1920s, though I'd need one of those giant radios to complete the illusion. And then driving to work every day would be like traveling forward in time some 80 years. That would put some strain on the brain. I wonder if I can take it.


Anonymous said...

What do you plan on filling your time with? I'm just curious because this situation is completely foreign to me!

christinesfakeblog said...

Goodbye Gmail


Unspar! said...

Chelsey: Reading, running, girlfriend, movies, writing. The things that make life more livable.

Christine: The plan is to make a stop at the library on my way home from work every day (or at least almost every day) to check gmail.

mrs. r said...

it's actually not that bad not having the internet at home, you just spend more time at the library, which I don't think could really be a bad thing. It's still a challenge not to waste time, just so you know...But you can fill time on Saturday night by coming to my birthday party....=)

Unspar! said...

Thanks for the warning about time wasting, Ann! At least I can be comforted that if I still waste time, it's $60 cheaper.

guy said...

i don't 'pay' for internet or TV. does that count?

i don't think i would if it were an option...

al said...

You'll just have to play more Star Wars Monopoly, Ben-jo.