
Public Relations

It finally happened. Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe broke up. I saw it coming. We all knew from the beginning that she was too good for him. When they had a kid, I thought for a while that they might make. I thought they'd prove to the world that some Hollywood couples can stay together. So much for having faith in movie stars.

The most interesting part of this for me, though, is that their publicist made the announcement of their separation. That seems a little weird, a little artificial; and what if the publicist just decided to mess with people? If I was a publicist, I think I'd do that every now and then.

But this got me thinking. What personal information would I prefer to disseminate through my publicist? Here's a list of candidate bits:

-my new allergies
-my fantasy football record
-my dog's death (only if he died of natural causes)
-when I'm going to the zoo
-the fact that I didn't go to the zoo when my publicist said I would
-the kind of tea that I am currently drinking
-how well I slept last night
-words that I like

I feel like these are all important enough for everyone to know but too sensitive for me to share with everyone myself.

What would you have your publicist say about you?

1 comment:

al said...

Thank you for specifically hyperlinking 'broke up.' That's funny.

