
New Blogger Disaster

Blogger's in the process of converting all its functions over to Google Accounts and making it many ways more like wordpress. Unfortunately, only a few blogs are being invited to this new option at a time, and the one of mine that made the change was Flipper's. I brought Flipper back to life yesterday only to screw everything up.

What frustrates me--and I publish this because I need to vent about it--is that I accidentally used my real Google account for my fake blog. Even though I have a fake Google account for my fake blog. And it won't let me change it. And since it's permanently attached to my account, I won't be able to import the real blog to the real account on top of it.

For now, everything's fine (I guess). I guess it just means I'll have to export Flipper's blog and delete it. That'll keep me busy today.

1 comment:

Unspar! said...

Problem solved. Countdown to deleting the old version of Flipper's blog: 3 days.