
The Day After the Election

It's a dark day for the earth and its denizens. Not as dark as the day Elvis died, nor as dark as the day Clay Aiken lost American Idol, but a dark day nonetheless.

Some of you may be discouraged because Democrats now control the House of Representatives, but worse things have happened. For instance, Republicans have controlled the House of Representatives. Also, dogs have been murdered. That's much worse.

But there's one thing we should all worry about. This guy:

He's Phil Willkie, our next soil and water conservation supervisor in District 2. Under his leadership, expect our soil and water to withdraw from Iraq, break up the two-party political duopoly, nationalize banks and transportation, and overturn the Patriot Act.

Now before we start to criticize, let's cut the guy some slack. He's probably not a bad guy. His heart seems to be in the right place. Sure, he's a communist, but who isn't?

The only problem is that we can't expect him to get all this done from his current office. We need to get him elected to Congress, or maybe even president! Willkie '08! Woooo!


Anonymous said...

You've made my bipolar day (dems in house, yay; pawlenty still gov, boo) a little bit brighter. Can I use a semi-colon in a parenthetical statement? I feel like Frankwitz didn't go over that well enough. Where are the daily sentences on the small white board when I need them? Actually, I don't think I REALLY learned to punctuate until college, so that might be my problem. Abele helped. What were we talking about again?

christinesfakeblog said...

Ben, we should bring back a livejournalesque long-standing political debate. For the next two years I will repeatedly try to tear Wilkie down while you can continue to build him up.

Andrew Grove for President '08!


Jes GIlman said...

Oh man, I'm scared now. I mean - with guys like this in office our country is going to be overrun with terrorists on a scale comparable with mexicans on open border day.

Anonymous said...

nice post. made me laugh.


Anonymous said...

viva the lofty goals of the relatively powerless!

and Christine don't trash on the good old days you know you loved it