
Bing Crosby vs. Bill Cosby

Bing Crosby

Bing Crosby once sang a song with the line "It's cold outside." The man was onto something. Today a lot of people who probably haven't heard that song in years have greeted me with the words, "Staying warm?" The answer is yes. The real question, though, should be, "Staying awake?" in which case the answer would be no.

Bill Cosby

This morning I put on a sweater that looks like I stole it from The Cosby Show. Its colors and diamond pattern are perfectly fit for the Cos. It makes me feel a little self-conscious, but it's also an awesome sweater. Cosby or not, I will continue to wear this sweater.

And the winner is...
Bill Cosby.

1 comment:

al said...

Bill(s), bill(s), bill(s)!
