
All I Want for Christmas

Velvet pants.

If I don't get velvet pants for Christmas, somebody's going to pay. They're going to pay for some velvet pants and then give them to me.

I'm not going to buy my own velvet pants. That's embarrassing. I don't want to go into a store and pick out some velvet pants and have everybody think I'm a terrorist or something. I realize that anyone buying me velvet pants would find themselves in a similar situation, but that's not my problem. My problem is my current lack of velvet pants.

I'm only sort of kidding.


chris said...

I told Amy a thousand times, but she still went with Trivial Pursuit: Triple Confusion Edition. I did my best.

Unspar! said...

Whoa, can you imagine that Trivial Pursuit PLUS velvet pants? I'm afraid to.

imjlrw said...

did you get them? I have seen no velvet yet!

Unknown said...

I would play a version of Trivial Pursuit in which instead of putting together a pie, one must slowly put surely put on velvet pants.