
Christmas Meets Time Travel Meets Unusually Extreme Anxiety

Does anyone else feel like Christmas is coming a week too early this year? Maybe it's just me. Maybe I was the only one who went to sleep on November 30th and woke up on December 10th. How come this never happens to anyone else?

Normally I wouldn't complain about sleeping through a week and a half or getting my ass kicked into next week (as the junior highers like to do), but I desperately needed those days to shop. Or at the very least, I desperately needed them to come up with ideas of stuff to get for my family and friends. But as it stands, I have no ideas, almost no gifts, and a lot of frantic questions (most of them are just variations of "What am I going to do?").

This week isn't even Christmas and I already have problems. Tonight I have to get an ornament for somebody. Sounds easy, right?? Well, it probably is, but I am just about freaking out about it. And then in two days--TWO DAYS--I have to get a present for another person. What is this? Kwanza?

Actually, all this complaining is just because I hate the cold and don't want to get out of my car and walk to a store. I hate the cold SO MUCH!!

1 comment:

Jes GIlman said...

Just tell your fam that the only presents they'll be getting this year is the gift of your presence.