
Homegrown Tundra

We recently got last month's heating bill for our house, so now we can't afford to heat our house ever again. This morning our thermostat read 59. And it's only going down from there.

Normally I'd be pretty unhappy about this, what with feeling like my blood is freezing, but I'm going to spin this one to the positive. I figure, why resist the frozen floors and the inexplicably accumulating snow? Let's turn this place into a winter fun-place-to-be!

Here's what I envision: a bunch of penguins and a walrus. I toyed with the idea of a beluga whale and a polar bear, but I don't think we could handle that. Before And I'm pretty sure we'll eventually have to kill the walrus and live inside its blubber to keep warm.

This is what it would look like in real life:

I don't know if we can all fit in that walrus, but we can sure try!
(Big props to Christine and her mad MS Paint skillz for coming up with this picture.)


Adam Omelianchuk said...

Holy crap! That is an amazing picture. Christine should be a MSPaint artist!

christinesfakeblog said...

I laughed really hard making his teeth for some reason.

christinesfakeblog said...

But seriously, that house is cold.

imjlrw said...

that picture is A MAZ ING

(how high was your bill?)

Anonymous said...

Nothing keeps a house warm quite like a fire. Especially living room bonfires that get out of control.