
I Hate America

I did my taxes last night, and it did not go well. But with many hard experiences we learn hard truths, and from this experience I learned that we live in a ruthless and tyrannical nation that will stop at nothing to bleed every last one of its citizens dry. The goal, as I understand it, is to force every American onto the cold, lonely streets so that the weak ones will die and the strong can be moved to corrals where they can be eaten alive by pigs.

Isn't this why they had the Boston Tea Party? So the evil empire would quit taxing us? Let me tell ya, if I had a ship full of tea, I would blow it sky high right now. That'll show those fat cats in Washington I mean business. Feel free to get in on this if you want to blow up some tea too.

Don't try and tell me that we need taxes for things like the police or fire department. I'd rather keep my money and lose the fire department cuz I'm going to need as much cash as I can get when my house burns down. And has anybody ever heard of a volunteer fire department? Probably not because the IRS has every responsible citizen tied and gagged in their own basement.

I'm not going to pay my taxes this year. I don't owe the government--it's the government who owes me. I've lived in their stupid country for 25 years, and what have I got to show for it? NOTHING, except for a speeding ticket I got two years ago. Maybe I'll reconsider if they decide to stop being such flaming jerks.


Anonymous said...

Yes! Taxes! Can you email me what forms you used? The ones I'd also need to pick up?

I'll never be able to figure these things out on my own.

chris said...

Can you call me when the IRS knocks down your door for not doing your taxes? I've always wanted to know exactly what kind of torture they use in such a situation...

Ted said...

They charge you a ton and garnish your wages. I know a guy who got into a ton of trouble for it.

Its going to be okay. Just get married and then you can file jointly. Then after tax season get it annulled and do it every year for the rest of your life.