
Roomful of Rabbits

He's watching you.
There is nothing weirder that I can imagine at this moment than opening the door to your bedroom and finding your room packed to the ceiling with rabbits. As weird as you might think it would be to be trapped in that room with those rabbits, it would be weirder to open the door. Because if you were trapped in the room, you would probably have some idea where those rabbits came from. Also, you would not be able to breathe, which means you would be dead, which would not be very weird.

But imagine opening that door again and discovering your bedroom full of thousands upon thousands of rabbits. Maybe a few of them would tumble out of the room as you opened the door. Some of them would be alive and hop off into the inner sanctum of your home, while some would likely have suffocated or broken their spines, and their cute, furry bodies would lie with limbs akimbo at your feet. I bet you would have no idea how to react.

I'm sorry for including that part about the dead rabbits. I would have preferred to imagine a roomful of living rabbits to surprise and horrify you, but it's just a fact of life that when you fill a room with something, there isn't that much air, and if you fill it with things that need to breathe, they eventually won't be able to breathe like they should. You could leave a window open, but then I'm sure a lot of the rabbits would jump out. And maybe that would be the weirdest thing I can imagine right now: scores of bunny rabbits hopping out of your house through your bedroom window and into the wild bluish yonder.


chris said...


Anonymous said...

At the risk of playing an old card, this post made me think of just one thing:

Where's a sledgehammer when you need one?