
The Last Real Day in February

I don't believe in leap year. Every fourth year I despise the fact that we have a 29th day in this wonderful month. The only good thing about leap day is the usual Quantum Leap marathon on the Sci-Fi channel, which I won't even get to watch this year because I have to work. So I guess the only way I could stand this terrible day is if it was a paid holiday.

I understand this whole leap year thing started when scientists realized that our planet's revolution around the sun takes 365.25 days. I assume the scientists colluded with the Masons or something to make it so that the world added an extra day to its calendars every four years. Wouldn't it just have been easier to do nothing? Sure, maybe the seasons would get a little out of whack, but they'd readjust every 366 years or so. I'd much rather endure the confusion of a snowy July every few centuries than the indignity of a 29th day in February.

I don't care what the world says, tomorrow is March 1st in my book. The rest of you can go ahead and celebrate your birthdays and national holidays a day late. That's your problem.


chris said...

So is that why Robin Williams is soooo old in Jack but goes around saying he's 12? Cuz his birthday is on Feb 29th? What an idiot!

Jes GIlman said...

Why not just make every month an even 30.4375 days?