
Absolute Zero

I hear that it's supposed to reach double digits below absolute zero this weekend. I didn't think that was possible, but the weather men know best. I have a quick couple thoughts on the subject, though.

* If all motion is supposed to cease at absolute zero, does that mean that temperatures below zero make us go back in time? I know that this is flimsy hypothesis at best, but like all time travel scenarios, it's worth trying. Unless thawing us out makes us go forward in time again. That'd be the biggest letdown ever.

* Reasonable arguments aside, this weather completely disproves global warming. And don't give me any of that global cooling hoo-ha. You can't change your global-climate-trend horse in midstream.

* The most important question is, how will this affect the current presidential race? I'm going to go out on a limb and say Ron Paul gets the Republican nomination, Spiderman wins for the Democrats, and Ron Paul wins it all.


Unknown said...

Ludicrous -- Spiderman would crush anybody in a Presidential race, let alone Ron Paul.

Anonymous said...

This doesn't disprove global warming. What you may not know about is global dimming, which is equally as bad but counter-affects the, um, effects of global warming so they cannot be as easily observed. Rest assure though, the sky IS falling!