
The Swamp

Welcome to...the swamp.

It's much uglier than I expected.
You've probably never been here before. I know you're busy, but that's not a good excuse. The swamp has been calling to you. You shouldn't just ignore the swamp when it calls.

One time the swamp called me at like 3 in the morning. I didn't answer because I was sleeping. Then it came over to my house, snuck in because I forgot to lock the door, and threw up all over my couch. Now I always answer when the swamp calls.

I know you're worried about getting eaten by the things that live in the swamp. That's OK, everybody who visits the swamp is worried about getting eaten. And well you should be. People who visit the swamp have only a 30% survival rate. The swamp keeps pretty good statistics on these sorts of things.

Have you ever seen the movie Swamp Thing or the animated show of the same name? That's pretty much exactly what the swamp is like, except for the large swamp-colored superhero. But if you stayed here in the swamp long enough, you too would become swamp-colored, though you probably would not become a superhero.

Also, you can never leave the swamp.

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