

My unbreakable nalgene-ripoff bottle has a crack in it. That's really not supposed to happen. I remember a time when I would hurl it at cars on the freeway and laugh maniacally as they exploded from even the briefest contact with the indestructible bottle. Now apparently that time is at an end.

I feel like this is precisely the nature of human life. We spend our youths wildly blowing up as many cars as we can get our hands on, but then one day, we crack. Maybe just a little bit, but we crack. And then not only are we unable to blow up any cars, but we're unable to find meaning even in trying to blow up cars.

So we can go on trying to blow up cars with reckless abandon for ourselves and others, or we can get go to the hobby shop around the corner and get some glue. I, for one, will be getting some glue. If you need me, I'll be at the hobby shop.


Anonymous said...

You are still quite the creative writer.

Ted said...

I knew a guy who glued his back together with super glue. Said it always tasted like glue after that. You might want to spend the 12 bucks and avoid becoming a toxic cesspool.

Anonymous said...

How could he taste his back? He must have been very flexible.