
A Miracle of Timing, Positioning, and Rubber

It is a miracle that I am here blogging to you today. Not one of those "every day is a miracle" miracles but a "Thank GOD I didn't die" miracle.

I nearly caused what could have been a two-lane multiple-car crash this morning. I was changing into the lane to my left, going about 50, and I changed a little bit hesitantly. When I was just pulling into the lane and double-checking my blind spot, the cars in front of me slowed down very suddenly. I had to slam on my brakes--literally slam. My tires squealed. That's how I knew it was serious. There probably should have been a crash.

I thank GOD all the time when I'm driving and narrowly miss small disasters. Let's face it, I'm one of the world's worst drivers. I quite simply wouldn't survive on the roads day to day without the hand of God protecting me.

So I got to thinking...maybe I should start trying to be a better driver. Maybe I trust God with my life too much. And then I laughed.

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